In addition, she has been a distinguished editor and publisher (she is now a HarperCollins Publisher Emerita), and by extension, an innovative educator. Rabbit and the Lovely Present,illustrated by Maurice Sendak, and the groundbreaking William's Doll, illustrated by William Péne du Bois.

She is a prolific, much-honored author with over seventy titles published, including the classic Mr. I couldn't put it down." G.Charlotte Zolotow is a revered name in children's literature. "Maine Stories is one of my favorite treasures."-K. We teach our granddaughters to be strong Maine women. This book is funny, poignant, entertaining, well-written and it touched my heart. "Lew-Ellyn is my new favorite Maine author. Certainly a must read book."-Kay Hemphill Montgomery, Stratton, ME and Cantonment, FL She takes you on a journey of what life is like here in Maine, and sometimes with an unexpected twist. "It truly is a remarkable collection of stories. I highly recommend this book as well as all future books by this author!" - E. The stories are interesting, funny and informative. I have never read a book so quickly!" -WLG, Greenville, ME " I loved your book! I couldn't put it down.

I just finished your book, "Maine Stories" and I was amused, entertained and moved. "Yes, I'd say you were born a writer, Lew-Ellyn. I look forward to your upcoming books.- K.R. "I absolutely love Maine Stories and can't put it down. Her column, "Away with Words," is a highlight many of our readers look forward to, including myself who gets a "first look" at these wonderful columns."-Robert Gray Jr. Hughes does indeed have a way with words, offering tales of everyday life here in Maine that touch us all in significant ways. "Nice voice, funny, with a down-home appeal." -Peter Chianca, Managing Editor, Community Newspaper Co. "Hughes gives words to a Maine experience." -Ed turner, "On Maine Writers", Book Nook, Lewiston Sun Journal "This is wholesome, comfortable entertainment, beautifully written, with Hughes’ signature self-deprecating wry humor and tenderness - a refreshing departure from much of today’s mean-spirited media scribbling." Bill Bushnell, Bushnell on Books, My wife Linda is an avid gardener, and she loved the gardening column about a fanatic gardener. She writes about everything from teaching young kids to ski at Sugarloaf to hosting guests at her B&B, gardening to Halloween, and talking turkey to granny rules. And her exceptional descriptions put you right there.

She spent lots of time in the woods at her family’s camp in Greenville. Lew-Ellyn’s Maine experiences mirror many of mine. This wonderful book was published by Maine Authors Publishing. Her columns feature Maine in so many ways and I enjoyed every column.

I loved Maine Stories by Lew-Ellyn Hughes, who captures the state we love.